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Service Learning Reflection One

Since researching other stories through databases, I have found out a lot more information than when I started. Like i stated in my proposal, VITA is partnered with the IRS to help low-income workers of $50,000 get a tax refund without having to pay. The new knowledge that I discovered is that the idea of wanting to get workers a refund started in a New York college. The group of students wanted to help their community by filing their taxes; now this program is nationwide and continues to help every tax season. Since i started the program in my 10th grade year, the group i am with files taxes all around the Horry County area. When you come to get your taxes prepared, there are two steps you must take to insure you get helped. You have to fill out a form sheet that you put your information in so that the tax prepare can put them into the right slots in the screen. Next you must have your social security card, all W-2's or proper documentation you will need, and your license to prove who you are. Since starting the program i have met hundreds of different people who live in my area. One improvement that i need to make is talking more to the individual. I tend to just look at their paperwork and fill out the taxes accordingly. I want to know more about the person and to show them that i am here for them and genuinely care about getting them what they deserve.

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